Thank you for sitting down with Roots Magazine. We’ve become a quick fan of your music and wanted to sit down with you to talk more about your new album “Amerijuanacana.”
Thank you for having me.
So, tell me a little bit of history about Nathan Nelson. How long have you been in the music scene?
I’m from Smyrna, Ga. and I’ve been playing mostly around Atlanta and the southeast for about a million years.
You guys are based in Atlanta?
We are. Anytime I’ve moved somewhere else, I always come back. It’s the center of the universe. But, I guess everywhere is.
Your new album captures a lot of different styles of music. I hear some Blues, Rock and Americana in there. Can you tell me a little bit about your style?
Growing up, I loved all types of music. Around the turn of the millennium, I saw Bill Sheffield. My style pretty much became trying to do what he did. It was all the music I loved wrapped up in one guy. I’ve still never seen anyone who sings, writes and plays better.
How did you come up with the name for your album “Amerijuanacana”?
Before a show someone asked what kind of music we play. Dave Roth, who sings, writes and plays bass with us, said “Amerijuanacana”
With an album title like that, one would think you guys do enough marijuana to kill Willie Nelson?
The only way to kill Willie with weed would be to drop a bale on him.
What were some of your musical influences growing up that inspired you to become a musician yourself?
I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s so it was everything from rap to hair bands. And of course, there was always the classic rock and oldies stations that let a kid work his way back to the old blues and country greats. Mostly, I just love a good song, regardless of the genre.
We are currently featuring “Hope She Don’t Come Back” on our website. This has quickly become a staff favorite. Tell us a little bit about your writing process when it comes to new songs. Are you just always writing down lyrics or are you one of those artists that can sit down and write a complete song in a matter of hours?
I’ve never really written anything down so I suppose I’m not really a songwriter. A song makerupper, maybe. The process varies. Songs have come while doing yard work, shitty day jobs, in a grocery store, long drives, or just sitting around picking.
Your band is called “The Entertainment Crackers” which is a unique name to say the least. How did you guys come up with that name?
Pretty sure that’s another Dave Roth creation. Some people think it’s racial, but it’s not. You can buy them at the grocery store.
I saw that one of your influences was the late great Robert Johnson. There is a terrific new documentary on Netflix called “Devil at the Crossroads.” Have you seen it? Do you think that Mr. Johnson sold his soul to the devil to become the blues legend that he was?
I haven’t seen that one yet. I’d bet Robert Johnson did it the old-fashioned way. Practice. The devil couldn’t even beat a kid from Georgia in a fiddle contest.(Thanks internet!)
Is there any kind of music ritual that you guys do to get ready for a gig?
Just show up, plug in, make the sound person happy(if there is one) and play.
Speaking of gigs, do you guys have any shows coming up that you would like to promote?
I’ve been sticking close to home lately. I do a weekly solo show at the legendary Northside Tavern in Atlanta. Andy Tomko (drums and haver-of-things) just returned from an extended stay on the west coast, so the plan is to get on the road and see if folks like these songs. All gigs shall be posted in the usual internet fashion.
Your new album “Amerijuanacana” is out now and available at retail outlets such as Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. Make sure you check out Nathan Nelson coming to a town near you and visit his website at Nathan thanks for talking with us today!
Pick up a copy, kids. Again, thanks for having me!
iTunes Link:
Amazon Link:
Spotify Link: